Oct 272013


It’s always fun when I get to interview my friends. Today we welcome the ever-awesome K Latham to the show. Please join us for her interview!

About K Latham

K. Latham was born and raised in East Texas, where she found herself searching for an outlet for her muse.

She tried painting and sketching, yet wasn’t very good. Poetry was fun and helped her mold her vocabulary as well as imagery. Yet, she still felt incomplete.

Finally, she decided to try her hand at writing fiction. Who knew it would be the answer to her dream?

She writes Young Adult Paranormal Romance novels and is a member of the East Texas Writers Association.

Read on for more about K and her novels!

About Immortal Beginnings

immortal beginnings

Beginnings are different for everyone…Ivy Mason is no exception.

After the car accident that took the life of her only friend Eric, and the nightmares that followed, Ivy feels completely alone. Her family’s sudden move to Kilgore only adds to her feelings of solitude. She soon discovers though, that Kilgore is not an average small town, it holds a secret. It is a military guarded installation that houses teens affected by the BV49 inoculation and their families. Ivy is one of the affected teens known as Liber Cruor.

Her world is changing. Her life is becoming more of a fantasy than a reality and the monsters she always feared are now the good guys.

She must embrace her new home, accept a new way of life and move toward her IMMORTAL BEGINNINGS.

Excerpts from Episode 20

K on the importance of reading: “If you’re going to write something you have to know what is out there. You also have to know what everyone else is wanting to read…”

K on writing tips: “To just get it written,  get it done and then worry about the editing and making it more cohesive later on…”


Immortal Beginnings

Kindle                                                    Paperback


Immortal Warriors




You can follow Karen at these links:

K’s Blog
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